DATE : 25th June, 2005 (Sat)
DJs : Sven Vath
TEXT : Nick Lawrence
For the two nights of the 24th and 25th of June Womb played host to the Mastercard Mettrippin Priceless Premier Party. The first night's music was provided by Pascal F.E.O.S. and Frank Lorber while Japan's own Hiro Yamagata took charge of the laser installation for the entire series of events. Coming from Australia it isn't often that an event has a budget on this scale. As such the laser installation rarely involves more than a bartender frantically waving a glowstick around his head. So to step into Womb and see a laser with enough power to penetrate bone was nothing short of overwhelming. For anyone who hasn't been to Womb it is extremely difficult to truly fathom what an enigma this club actually is. Even after studying photos and floor plans it is impossible to achieve any sort of full understanding of what it is like to be surrounded by well over a thousand dance music fanatics and dwarfed by a towering three stories of intensely content onlookers. It is impossible to comprehend how a building that is essentially bricks and mortar has the almost supernatural ability to mould a DJs set and to completely control a night's vibe. Even the most skeptical of punters will find it difficult to enter through the front doors of this establishment and control their body from gravitating towards the dance floor. The allure of expertly poured alcoholic beverages isn't even enough to entice the majority of the club's inhabitants away from their prime dancing positions for any more than a brief moment. | |
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With all that said there are surely very few DJs as well suited to a club renowned for such a party atmosphere as a DJ renowned for being such a party lover, Sven Vath. So on the second night of proceedings he took control of the decks. However, a reputation is never enough to fuel a party for an entire night so it is a necessity for the DJ to bring a crate full of music that will satisfy one thousand plus people and get their bodies moving well into the early hours of the morning. This however is no doubt a simple task for a long serving DJ such as Sven, with an enormous record collection and nearing 15 years of experience to draw on. From the get go Vath had no trouble in serving up all the delicacies that the ravenous droves were after. As Sven threw morsel after morsel into the awaiting airwaves he was rewarded time and time again by fists thrust into the air in appreciation of such tasty treats. Approving roars filled the cavernous club whenever Sven would serve up a new dish with the pack only left salivating for more. Their ever insatiable appetites briefly fulfilled only to rise up again within mere moments. There were a select few however who were left with grumbling stomachs and a bitter taste in their mouths for the majority of the night. To his credit however there is possibly no one else who could've fended off the voracious hoards for as long, or as well, as Sven and still had time to do some fist pumping of their own. Over the duration of the evening the music poured through many ravines, coursed through countless fjords and surged through dams, shattering anyone's expectations of what the set was likely to hold. Style boundaries were completely ignored with the night jumping from electro to progressive and most regularly to adrenaline pumping techno records. Finally Sven wrapped up the evening with a trancesque encore in the form of 'Snabeln' from tech house duo Hugg & Pepp. Vath used the entire seven hours to show off his wide variety of tastes all the while managing to command the attention, appreciation and even admiration of the majority of Womb's population. Sven single handedly attempted to build bridges between a wide range of genres, albeit with a ball of twine and a handful of twigs, in order to provide his loyal flock with an expansive mix of dance floor fuel. Techno, electro, house and trance all emanating from the giant speaker stacks and mashing together much to the crowds delight. However, many of the more discerning listeners, quite often seen milling around the bar, could be forgiven for wondering whether Sven truly knows how to discern between eclecticism and a scatter gun approach. Early the next morning the taxi ride home provided welcome respite before the day's wearisome employment duties. Little chance for sleep a small sacrifice to pay for an unforgettable evening in the imposing club that is Womb. | |
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